
Annah ElizabethFamily, Happiness, Happy Happens ™, Marriage, Travel1 Comment

Well, Journeyer, last week’s Happy Happens edition is a bit late, but I promise I have a VERY GOOD EXCUSE. MANY GOOD EXCUSES! EXCUSES THAT ARE SO MUCH BETTER, SO MUCH MORE ORIGINAL AND CAPTIVATING THAN: My computer crashed (which it has numerous times in the last week and a half) or the one we adults say all too often: … Read More

Happy Rising

Annah ElizabethBeauty, Big Guy, Gavin, Happy Happens ™, Relationships4 Comments

Happy Sunday-Monday Journeyer! Happy (belated) Easter! Easter. Another of my cherished holidays. A time for friends and family to slow down, to come together, to share their fellowship, and to celebrate. Some celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and the message that He is our salvation. Some celebrate spring break while others rejoice the earth’s awakening from a long winter’s rest. Sometimes, like … Read More

A Few Bittersweet and Salty Days

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Well, Journeyers, today I’m writing from a lobby in the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City.   This place is exquisite, from this enormous cut floral arrangement…   to the balcony views…     to the marble bathrooms…     Yep, we’re on the road, again.   This time we hit the skyways to support Fave in his national … Read More

Breaking Out of Our Comfort Zones

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

On a recent trip to Sam’s Club for a few groceries, Warren purchased a bouquet of flowers for me. Just to say I love you was the occasion. He’s done that periodically over the past six years, bring me small gifts for no apparent reason. As I stared at the turtle pin that headlined my recent Going for It post, … Read More

It Takes Two

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  It happens to all of us at some time in our lives. Criticism. How we dress. Act. Eat. Sleep. Chew our gum. Wear our hair. Write. Somebody’s going to have an unfavorable opinion. What’s that saying, “We can’t please everyone, all the time?” Yeah. That. When we choose to live in a way that puts us out in front … Read More

The Rebirth of a Marriage

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

  Journeyers, I think we’re going to be okay, Warren and me. It’s been a tough ride, hasn’t it? And if I haven’t successfully conveyed to you how much I appreciate you here, whoever you are, wherever you are following and watching from, please know that you and this space has been invaluable to me. I’ve always written through and … Read More

On Second Chances and Doing Things Twice

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I had an epiphany while showering this morning. The good kind of awakening, one that softens our grief and helps pave the way to peace and acceptance. As the spray washed over me I thought about a conversation Warren and I had earlier this week. How I despise doing things twice. Again, came to mind, followed by a series of … Read More