
Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

It’s an early summer Sunday, Guys! And you know that always means at least one of two things: 1) I’m working on the weekly edition of this Happy Happens series. 2) We’re probably on the road, again, destined for some athletic event. For the second time in two days, I’m on my way to Syracuse. Yesterday had me buzzing down … Read More

Decoding the Divine with The Indie Chicks

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

 Are you looking for spiritual resolution?Wondering about God and Divine Intervention?Join me over at The Indie Chicks, who have just published my piece, Decoding the Divine.Sending out rays of hope for your own spiritual healing… Soon…

Free Hugs

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

    On one of my trips to NYC a few years ago, I came across a small group of unique people in Times Square. I realize that might sound a bit redundant using unique and NYC in the same breath, but these individuals were truly special. You see, they were holding up signs that read “Free Hugs.” I let … Read More

The Space Between Luck and Misfortune

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Well, fellow Journeyers, I’ve done it! After more hours than I wish to recognize, I have finally pieced together my first video. The idea came to me when I discovered Washington, DC’s TEDxWomen and their theme for this year’s conference. The Space Between… I immediately thought of my piece Finding Four-Leaf-Clover-Kind-of-Luck in Shit. And The Space Between Luck and Misfortunewas … Read More

Finding a Little Luck in Life

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

A few weeks ago I was cleaning my dog’s poop from my backyard and discovered this four-leaf clover. And then another…  Mixed with life’s crap, there’s always some stroke of good fortune, if your eyes are open to its existence within your path…And, oh, what a lucky girl I am that the talented, energetic, and charismatic Chiara from over at The Indie … Read More

Facing My Fears, Pema Chodron Style

Annah ElizabethUncategorized4 Comments

“You focus on another person’s suffering and breathe it in,” a friend of mine told me about a Tonglen meditation group she recently participated in, “and then you breathe out compassion.” Her group’s attention had been directed to the victims, families, and friends of those affected by the recent Aurora, Colorado shooting rampage. I couldn’t comprehend this model from the purpose … Read More

When Time is Short and Energy is Low…

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I call September and June the Hamster-Wheel months. There are so many activities and events– academic, artistic and athletic–that are crammed into these sixty days. Add in a graduation and three weeks of overtime, and life becomes a bit hectic… Toss in a little depression and life feels overwhelming… I made a bold decision three weeks ago: I need outside help resolving the remaining pieces … Read More

The Five Facets is Featured at The Indie Chicks!

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

I’ve recently discovered that moxie is an important part of our healing, for without courage and inventiveness, where would we be? The gals over at The Indie Chicks—a brand-spanking new, online magazine for women—have both those traits in their back pockets. Head on over and check them out; you’ll be glad you did. And while you’re there, be sure to … Read More