Letting Go

Annah ElizabethUncategorized20 Comments

  Warren and I had our second appointment with a marriage counselor last week.   This isn’t a new rodeo for us, as the saying goes.   The first person we saw collectively was my own Counselor Hank from many moons ago.   Actually the first person we saw, more than twenty years ago, was a guy who scribbled notes … Read More


Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Holy cow! Holy cold! Holy hail! Holy hell! Holy shit! HOLY MATRIMONY! I am tired, Journeyers. Tired of revisiting the Same. Old. Arguments. Tired of fighting…to be heard…understood…validated… Tired of fighting to end the madnesses that are the foundations for relationship strife… Tired of fighting for all of us, my family, especially when I often feel like I’m the only … Read More

Our Outer Shells

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

It’s Monday evening. Dinner’s been eaten and dishes have been washed. Everyone has scattered in different directions and I’m watching 50 First Dates for the fourth or fifth time in the last three days. Yesterday I began this post with lyrics from the last song of the movie. “Someday I’ll wish upon a star, Wake up where the clouds are … Read More

Mountains of Love

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

“Love, even when you don’t feel like it.”                                                           ~Annah Elizabeth That was the first thought that came to mind as I stared at the stone upon which we’d been asked to write words of wisdom for the bride and groom. I was honored to be included in this quaint ceremony of close friends and family. Warren and Beauty and … Read More

I Matter

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

  No matter our location, our age, our temperament, our prestige, or our personality, we will somewhere, sometime, encounter people who treat us as inferior. Often those people are strangers, sometimes colleagues, yet sometimes those people are friends, and sometimes, sadly, family… As I typed the word sadly I thought about what a therapist once said, “We don’t have to … Read More

In Someone Else’s Shoes

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

This week’s highlight isn’t something I could photograph. It’s not tangible or concrete. One of the things that brought me a great deal of happy this week was an epiphany, an awakening of sorts. How many times have you heard, or even said to another person, “Put yourself in someone else’s shoes?” And how many times have you really been … Read More


Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

Journeyers, it’s been an equally tough and exhilarating week. My daughter is (still) going through that pulling away phase (and likely will for many years to come…) My daughter cavorts all over town, to lunch and movies and outings with friends and other family members, and yet, I cannot get her to commit to any mother-daughter time. I’ve been feeling … Read More


Annah ElizabethUncategorized1 Comment

Yesterday, I spent a gloriously exhausting day at a TEDx event, where I met with many wonderfully new and exciting ideas and people. One speech brought together those two entities in the form of a single word: Paesano. Paesano, as he told us, literally translates to countrymen or villager, but the truest essence of what it represents is friend. Not … Read More

On Etiquette, Failure, and The Well-Appointed Woman

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  Numerous people have reached out to me, in some way or another, to discuss how someone is causing them angst. Every single person has expressed frustration and anger and concerns about how to move forward in the relationship. In the past four months, two of these women have been dealing with anxiety pertaining to their own mothers. That, my … Read More

It Takes Two

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

  It happens to all of us at some time in our lives. Criticism. How we dress. Act. Eat. Sleep. Chew our gum. Wear our hair. Write. Somebody’s going to have an unfavorable opinion. What’s that saying, “We can’t please everyone, all the time?” Yeah. That. When we choose to live in a way that puts us out in front … Read More