
Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

  Happy Sunday, Journeyer! It’s been a week full of celebrations and settling down… Warren and Big Guy and I left for a North Carolina visit with my family on the 28th. With our hectic work and travel schedules, we’re only able to make that trip about once every year or two, so it was nice to gather at a … Read More

Sweet Tart Tears

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

           Original post from May 11, which disappeared from this blog… Today marks my oldest son’s twenty-first birthday, that magic American number, our vision of ultimate freedom. I have had this day planned for weeks, but as I sit here, I cannot seem to find my stride. My every intention has been to celebrate this day. I ordered a surprise for … Read More

Celebrating a Gift

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

The birthday card my mother sent me a few months ago was simple, a few watercolor flowers sitting atop a box; the creators had glued a tiny blue ribbon above the scrolling message. The words inside held a lifetime of sentiment that I will remember for years to come: You are a smile and a gift and an amazing story of growth and change and … Read More