Cheeseburger, Rose, Sweater, Tractor

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

It’s the beginning of a new month, Journeyer. Which means that in addition to bill money in my bank account, I also have raging hormones to look forward to every day for a week. I’m talking the pimply-faced, swollen-body-limbs-aching-boobs-pants-don’t-fit, irritability-initiating, completely exhausting kind of physiological changes. In between Wednesday’s shifts I napped from a little after nine until twelve-forty. I … Read More

Mountains of Love

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

“Love, even when you don’t feel like it.”                                                           ~Annah Elizabeth That was the first thought that came to mind as I stared at the stone upon which we’d been asked to write words of wisdom for the bride and groom. I was honored to be included in this quaint ceremony of close friends and family. Warren and Beauty and … Read More

A Way of Life

Annah ElizabethUncategorized1 Comment

On one of the recent San Diego jaunts with my boys, I spotted this sign strategically posted outside an apartment door: “Happiness is not a destination; it’s a way of life.” I know I’ve heard this quote before but I think this is the first intentional display of the sentiment I’ve seen. This Happy Happens column is at the very … Read More

50 First Smiles

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Wow…it’s Sunday…already… Wherever did this week go? Oh, yes, I know… It evaporated in a daily series of phone calls and my ongoing research to meet new people and make new connections in this vast cyber sphere… One of the disadvantages of living in a small town is that of limited easy access to global information… In this instance, I … Read More

People Who Need People…

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Journeyers, for the first time in I don’t know how long, I missed a post in this weekly Happy Happens column… And now this one is going to be two or three days late… It’s been a grueling three weeks, a time period when I nearly bit off more than I could chew, so to speak… Last spring I signed … Read More

Georgia O’Keeffe’s Fear, Glennon Melton’s Sacred Scared, and Choosing Healing

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

“I’ve been absolutely terrified every second of my life-and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.” ~ Georgia O’Keeffe Journeyer, I came across this quote while reading Glennon Melton’s post Sacred Scared. Wow, just wow… Glennon has this beautiful and forceful, yet gentle at the same time, way of reminding us all … Read More

All Shook Up

Annah ElizabethUncategorized10 Comments

Proverbial Shit has been knocking on my door this week, Journeyer. Nagging nuisances that just sort of make us feel icky and ornery and rundown. Three words to kick it off: Snow. SNOW! (EVER-LOVIN’-F-IN’) SNOW!! This is on the hood of Warren’s truck! And leaving for work in more subzero temperatures that dipped to MINUS TWENTY! What’s all this nonsense … Read More

Super Moments

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

The Superbowl. “Which team are you rooting for, the one with the white helmets?” That would be me, inciting chuckles from the avid football fans at this year’s SB party. This year we broke from tradition of hosting the gathering at our house, and though that is my favorite part of the season’s event—entertaining and having opportunity to break out all … Read More

I Believe…

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

“How was your Christmas,” I asked the clerk. “I’m glad it’s over,” she replied, “I’m not a fan of the holiday.” She went on to share a few lamentations about shopping and parties, her words sort of trailing off as she ticked off a few other dislikes. Within hours of gift exchanges and Santa’s arrival, numerous Facebook statuses declared it … Read More

Family, Fun, and Holiday Festivities

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Beauty and Fave made it home safely… School’s out for a glorious SIXTEEN DAYS! Our home has been filled with laughter, love, and liveliness… Rousing games of the silliest sort of Mario fun… and, of course, an occasional serious discussion or two… signs of continued growth and healing for all of us… The stockings are hung… The shopping is done… … Read More