Heating Things Up & Slowing Them Down

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Phew! Is it ever hot and muggy on this Tennessee morning! Though I knew it was wishful thinking, I hoped that those dark clouds blowing in last night would have brought with them a little cooler air. Um, no. This morning’s air is stifling, muggy like a swamp. As I walked across the parking lot, wiling my mind to think … Read More


Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

I opened my eyes for the last time at 9:22 this morning. I’d woken a few times, alert only enough to realize that Warren had crawled back into bed to cuddle, and when I heard Big Guy’s footsteps on the stairs. “Good morning. Have fun at practice,” I said before falling fast asleep again. But when I heard Warren’s truck … Read More

It’s a Small, Small, Microscopic World

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

I’m not sure how old I was the first time my family went to Disney World, but I do recall taking Fave and Beauty when they were toddlers themselves. Just like my parents had done many times over the years, Warren and I had taken our children to visit relatives living in Florida. I have fond memories of running through … Read More

A Few Bittersweet and Salty Days

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Well, Journeyers, today I’m writing from a lobby in the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City.   This place is exquisite, from this enormous cut floral arrangement…   to the balcony views…     to the marble bathrooms…     Yep, we’re on the road, again.   This time we hit the skyways to support Fave in his national … Read More

Letting Go

Annah ElizabethUncategorized20 Comments

  Warren and I had our second appointment with a marriage counselor last week.   This isn’t a new rodeo for us, as the saying goes.   The first person we saw collectively was my own Counselor Hank from many moons ago.   Actually the first person we saw, more than twenty years ago, was a guy who scribbled notes … Read More

Leading the Way

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

 I took this photo of the staircase in Independence Hall, Philadelphia Phew, Journeyer, has it ever been a whirlwind week! Traveling has a way of putting sails beneath our time, and I’ve been hitting the highways and skyways for sure. After returning from Hay House’s writing workshop in Denver, I spent Tuesday finishing last week’s Happy Happens piece, getting it … Read More


Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

It’s an early summer Sunday, Guys! And you know that always means at least one of two things: 1) I’m working on the weekly edition of this Happy Happens series. 2) We’re probably on the road, again, destined for some athletic event. For the second time in two days, I’m on my way to Syracuse. Yesterday had me buzzing down … Read More

Honoring Fathers, Flowers, Friendship, and Fun

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

This past week has been a rollercoaster ride of frustration and overtime and, given the pimples popping out on my face, an overdose of hormones. When I haven’t been racing from work to appointments to home, I’ve pretty much felt like dropping from exhaustion. Knowing that these happy moments would escape me when I sat down to write days later, … Read More


Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Holy cow! Holy cold! Holy hail! Holy hell! Holy shit! HOLY MATRIMONY! I am tired, Journeyers. Tired of revisiting the Same. Old. Arguments. Tired of fighting…to be heard…understood…validated… Tired of fighting to end the madnesses that are the foundations for relationship strife… Tired of fighting for all of us, my family, especially when I often feel like I’m the only … Read More

Our Outer Shells

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

It’s Monday evening. Dinner’s been eaten and dishes have been washed. Everyone has scattered in different directions and I’m watching 50 First Dates for the fourth or fifth time in the last three days. Yesterday I began this post with lyrics from the last song of the movie. “Someday I’ll wish upon a star, Wake up where the clouds are … Read More