Healing and the Two Sides of Forgiveness

Annah ElizabethForgiveness, Healing and the Two Sides of, Loss, Grief, and Healing4 Comments

“Meet people where they’re at.” Yesterday, while researching quotes for the chapter introductions of the two Grief Diaries anthologies I am co-authoring, I came across that phrase for the umpteenth time in the past couple of months. I have to be honest, though my brain comprehends what the words are saying, I haven’t been able to internalize what the expression means. Meet people … Read More

Healing and the Two Sides of Divine Design

Annah ElizabethHealing and the Two Sides of, Spirituality, The Five Facets of Healing ™Leave a Comment

Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life. ~Buddha I’ve been experiencing what many call a Spiritual Awakening. It’s a bit like coming into puberty…I’ve been noticing things like Angel Numbers, a higher self that seems to be guiding me and my work on healing, an awareness of spirit guides and angels, and … Read More

Balancing Act

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Healing and the Two Sides of2 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! This week has been all about creating balance between love and fear, patience and anxiousness, knowledge and wisdom, sadness and joy… Brief, daily meditations have allowed me to ask the universe to help me focus on how each of these things play important roles in my life and asking for guidance in making the pairs more harmonious. … Read More

Healing and the Two Sides of Balance

Annah ElizabethHealing and the Two Sides of, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental Health3 Comments

“I’m imagining I’m pulling the disease out of me each time I rip a weed from the ground.” After four months of dueling calendars, I finally had the great fortune and pleasure of having a leisurely conversation with a new friend. The quote at the beginning is something her husband recently said after battling a long illness. Though the quote is slightly … Read More

Growing & Glowing in Grief

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™, Healing and the Two Sides of, Loss, Grief, and Healing, The Five Facets of Healing ™3 Comments

Happy Sunday, Journeyer! Wow…just wow… Warren and I are heading home from the first National Grief and Hope Convention. Words cannot effectively express the amount of growth and healing that occurred in those Grand Ballrooms. I am exhausted, energized, overjoyed, and overwhelmed…all at the same time! I met so many grief neighbors and healing allies that to list them all … Read More