As I watched this sweet canine pause to smell every blade of grass, every pinecone, every dried up leaf, I began reflecting a little more deeply about what “being present” looks like.
Healing and the Two Sides of Cooperation
Cooperation. It’s one of the first words we learn with regard to getting along with others. It often first appears in forms of obedience: cooperate with your parents by doing your chores, helping out in the household or with other siblings. We then move on to structures outside the home, daycare and school, where these same expectations for cooperation are tied … Read More
Healing and the Two Sides of Darkness
Winter is well underway, Journeyer, and Seasonal Affective Disorder looms over many of our heads. This post I wrote a year ago was wildly popular and I can only surmise it is because there are many thousands of us whose bodies don’t work quite right during those winter days and months of shortened daylight. May you find some modicum of … Read More
Healing and the Two Sides of Your Calendar
I recently sat in on a class titled Administrative Skills for Office Professionals. One of the things I’ve always said to my children and anyone else who would listen is this: “We can learn something new every day if our mind is open to it. It might be something as simple as a person’s name, but we’ve learned something.” I’ve … Read More
Healing and the Two Sides of Karma
Today I came a cross an unfamiliar quote from Sandra Bullock, one of my favorite actresses, “I’m a true believer in Karma. You get what you give, whether it’s bad or good.” This past summer I worked with a life coach who helped me understand some of the negative “karmic life patterns” that are a part of my genetic code, or Human … Read More
Healing and The Two Sides of Dirty Laundry
I have a confession to make, one that might make you pee a little. I was a minute late to my Other Job the other day. It seems I’m always later than I want to be-wherever it is I’m going-and unless I work really, really hard at being on time, I am five minutes late. I’ve often joked that I’m … Read More
Healing and the Two Sides of Freedom
As I prepared for my family’s July 4th celebration, I couldn’t help but think about some of the events and threads that comprise our freedom. Our freedom, for all of us who live in countries that afford us the privilege of choosing our own daily course of actions, was born on the backs and of the bloodshed of too many to … Read More
Healing and the Two Sides of Trust
“Learning to trust is one of life’s most difficult tasks.” ~Seventeenth-century theologian Isaac Watts Trust. What is it? What does it mean? What does it accomplish? This five-letter word is like a second cousin to another five-letter word–Truth. Trust is basically having faith or a steadfast belief in the people, places, and planet around us. It’s a sense that these things will be … Read More
Healing and the Two Sides of Truth
Truth. What is it? What does it mean? What does it accomplish? One of the mantras I’ve lived my life by is “There are two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.” To that end, truth is a little like reading between the lines…or compromise…or both…a way of finding balance in a situation, which in … Read More
Healing and the Two Sides of Prayer
Last night I attended the rehearsal for this weekend’s Clarity Connects inspirational event. One of the speakers talked about finding the magic in every day life. Christy’s story begins with her struggle to leave a full-time job so she could grow a side-line business that brings her great joy and fills her with an unbridled passion that just resonates from every pore. … Read More