Grateful on October 19, 2010

Annah Elizabeth1 Comment

Well, life has tossed many lemons onto my path this past week, some were downright sour, too. So, since I don’t have an onion to cut open (though I managed to have myself a good cry today, without one!) I think I’ll spend some time focusing on something positive. So, here goes: I am grateful for: 1. A husband who … Read More

The Making of a Happy Liver

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Today, my job has brought me to a maximum security men’s prison in upstate New York. I was one of six adults enlisted to transport seven at-risk students to the prison for an awareness program. Five inmates, including three murderers, participate in an intensive training program before going on to teach delinquent students, to try to reach them, to encourage … Read More

When Life Gives You Lemons: Cut Open an Onion

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Yes. You read the title correctly: When life gives you lemons, cut open an onion. This thought came to me a couple of weeks ago, after I thought of the well-known expression, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” This optimisim has been passed down for generations, a cliche recognized by nearly everyone. The assumption being that we can turn … Read More

On Happiness

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

“Happiness is fleeting,” a psychologist once told me. He couldn’t have been more correct. I, like so many of you, have been trying for years, now, to figure out–to comprehend the meaning of a happy life.  For some reason, we seem to believe that to be happy, we must have this sense of ongoing euphoria, the fairy tale, the trumpeting and hand … Read More

Family Minus One

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

In my last post, I spoke about recent concerns with my college-aged son. He’s not very happy with me right now. As such, he hasn’t called home in over a week. He didn’t return my “Just calling to say ‘hi,’ and to tell you I love you,” call. Only a brief, all-you-need-to-know response to a question I texted him. I … Read More

An Almost Adult Story

Annah ElizabethLeave a Comment

The leaves on the trees are already beginning to turn, just a hint of color, but, nonetheless, color. A few have even begun to flutter to the ground, drifting daintily in the gently breeze. The record temperatures continue here in the northeast, but autumn has signaled her approach. I head back to work next week, as my two younger children go back to … Read More

Family Momentum II

Annah Elizabeth2 Comments

Shortly after my daughter’s sixteenth birthday party, my oldest son and I loaded the last few items into his car and headed out on the long journey to college. I must say, a little worry tugged at me. You see, he inherited my stubborn and self-willed genetic traits. What if we don’t get along? How are we going to survive … Read More

Family Momentum

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Yesterday, my beautiful daughter turned sixteen. So many years. So many smiles. Such a delightful part of my life, our lives, she has been. I have watched her grow into a stunning young woman. “You’re a swan,” I recently told her. And she is. Everywhere we go, people that knew her when she was younger stop and stare. “She’s soooo beautiful,” they … Read More


Annah Elizabeth3 Comments

Two weeks ago I took the time to make homemade nectar, and to clean and refill my hummingbird feeder. This time, I placed the hanger outside the window facing my desk. For years, I delighted in maintaining the feeders and observing these delicate creatures. The seasonal buzz of their flight would draw my attention from the book I was reading, … Read More

Saying Goodbye

Annah Elizabeth10 Comments

Many years ago, I began closing my written correspondences with “Soon.” How many times have you or those close to you said, “Later,” as you parted. How many times have you or those you’d love to see more often lamented, “It’s been far too long since we’ve seen each other!,” “How long has it been?” “We must get together soon!” How … Read More