Family and Fireworks

Annah ElizabethHappiness, Happy Happens ™, Mental Health, Parenting2 Comments

Fireworks Display

Happy Monday, Journeyer!

This past week has been filled with family and fireworks, and even a sideshow of the two combined, if you get my drift.

My family and I were able to spend some quiet time where we slowly moved from whatever moved us in any given moment; a nice respite from the crazy and hectic comings and goings that took place during the first two weeks she was visiting.

A card game called Hand & Foot uses 6 decks of cards!

A card game called Hand & Foot uses 6 decks of cards! It’s one of Big Guy’s favorite games!

A little R&R on my deck

Glorious sunshine!

Mom, Sis, Warren, and Me Saying Goodby at Airport

Saying goodbye to Sis at airport

Stop-off to see Beauty at work before taking Mom to airport

Stop-off to see Beauty at work before taking Mom to airport

Beauty and I spent some time working together at our local animal shelter and talking about a plan that will hopefully move our Mother/Daughter relationship forward in more meaningful and positive ways.

I’m looking forward to the journey ahead of us.

Warren and I went out to dinner and an old-time cover band with a few couples Friday evening; a night out  that was made even better because Beauty and two other college kids acted as our DDs and had a good time themselves hanging out by the lake.

Cheers for Night out with friends

Due to the rain, we couldn’t take the boat out for a July 4th celebration so Warren, Beauty, Big Guy, and I went to the theater to see Jurassic World and then we stopped by a friend’s house for an evening picnic.

Sunday brought some much needed sunshine and a day of R&R on the lake with our boat for the first time this year!

Beauty & I on the inner tube

Beauty & I on the inner tube

The warmth felt so good on my body and did so much for lifting my spirits!

I’m happy to report that I’ve spent this entire day helping prepare my youngest for his own sort of Independence Day!

Big Guy and I attending the two day orientation at the college he’ll be attending in the fall.

I’ve been in parent sessions all day while he’s been doing all kinds of cool things with fellow students-to-be.

At this very minute I am typing from a small desk in a dorm room. Thanks to a local Dollar General and a desperate purchase of a tabletop fan, I am actually not dripping sweat all over my keyboard!

Tomorrow’s sessions begin with an eight o’clock breakfast, so I’m going to cut this week’s post short…a rarity, I KNOW!

What I can tell you is this, Journeyer, our lives are a bit like fireworks and the Fourth of July: We have events that are shimmery sparkles that pop and sizzle in delightful ways and we have LOUD, sometimes SCARY explosions that seem to shake the foundation beneath our feet.

One of my favorite fireworks are those that make an exaggerated BOOM before they light the sky silver, and then seem to rain down and slowly fade out.

And I always love the Grand Finale where big and little rockets in every color imaginable are fired off at once.

It’s that sort of diversity that keeps life interesting and keeps bringing us back year after year…

One of things I’ve always told my children about college is that I believe that one of the greatest assets to come out of the college experience is just that: the experience of truly being on your own, of finding out who you really are, and in meeting new people, people from different backgrounds and belief systems…

It’s about discovering all kinds of new things about the world outside of the environment we grew up in…

It’s time for my last not-so-little-one-anymore to spread his wings and to share his many talents with the rest of the world.

The same holds true for Warren and me!

I am so looking forward to seeing what sort of sparks my children light as they continue to move forward with their own autonomous lives and just as excited to see what passions are ignited for Warren and me!

What about you, Journeyer? What events lit up your happy this week?

Until we meet again, yours in hope, healing, and happiness,

On Saying Goodbye


2 Comments on “Family and Fireworks”

  1. It sounds like a real family weekend — with thoughts of independence for Independence Day! Oooooo – so exciting when they are ready to spread their wings. (And yes, bittersweet with a dose of worry, too.)

    Happy Summertime!

    1. H, DAW!! Good to hear from you!Excitement! Bittersweet! Worry! You know the drill all too well. Happy summer to you, too! Hope all’s well. 🙂

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