Trigger Months: Create Calm, Clarity, and Inner Peace by Recognizing and Healing Them

Annah ElizabethHealth, Loss, Grief, and Healing, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

You’ve likely heard of “triggers,” events or situations that stimulate sadness or some other emotional response. Did you know you can also have “Trigger Months,” Neighbor? Trigger months can evolve when you have emotional or traumatic events that occur around the same month in different years. Many years ago, I realized that every September and October I felt uninspired, my … Read More

Annah Elizabeth and The Five Facets® Spotlighted: Integrating Science and Spirituality with MysticMag

Annah ElizabethLoss, Grief, and Healing, Media & Press, The Five Facets Philosophy on Healing ™Leave a Comment

It may come as a surprise to you, Neighbor, that the non-tangible, spiritual aspects of healing–such as energy medicine, mediumship, and soul-based conversations–were not a part of my belief systems nor my work for many years. And then I found myself swimming in the deep end of what I call the “spiritual ocean.” Prior to entering the greater world of … Read More

Happy Happens™

Annah ElizabethUncategorized1 Comment

Happy Happens. Just like the proverbial shit happens, happy happens.™ Happiness, it’s definition, and the possession or the elusion of it in our lives is an age-old saga, Neighbor! I am sure that you can recite any number of quotes and cliches you’ve encountred on the subject. And something tells me you can easily conjure moments when you’ve felt happy … Read More