Annah Elizabeth and The Five Facets® Spotlighted: Integrating Science and Spirituality with MysticMag

Annah ElizabethLoss, Grief, and Healing, Media & Press, The Five Facets Philosophy on Healing ™Leave a Comment

It may come as a surprise to you, Neighbor, that the non-tangible, spiritual aspects of healing–such as energy medicine, mediumship, and soul-based conversations–were not a part of my belief systems nor my work for many years. And then I found myself swimming in the deep end of what I call the “spiritual ocean.”

Prior to entering the greater world of “Sprituality,” I had simply looked at The Spiritual Facet as the “divine self, or soul, within,” the part of us that knows our hopes and dreams…and the inward-facing aspect of our being.

Swimming in that spiritual ocean, the insights into all of my life experiences grew exponentially.

For me, concepts like Human Design, Dan Millman’s Life Purpose, Soul Contracts, Soul lineage, energy awareness and energy medicine validated my life experiences in such profound ways that I could not ignore them. Not only that, they resonated with me on the cellular, core part of my being.

I’d like to share a little story about the development of The Five Facets® Philosophy on Healing program. Growing up in a family with high-achieving parents and a brother who attended one of our country’s earliest “Gifted and Talented” schools for math and science, I never felt very smart. Flash forward a decade-plus later, when my seven-year string of losses–child loss, miscarriages, severe depression, and betrayal–had me asking the question, “How is it that some people go on to live happy, fulfilled lives following tragedy, mishap, or mayhem, while others succumb to drugs, despair, a life of void, or suicide?”

I had a spark of awareness that this body of work was not coming from me, it was coming through me.

That single question spawned thousands more and I relentlessly pursued the answers. As the answers piled up, I began noticing themes, which I shared with everyone interested. My research was well received and people kept validating that more people needed to hear these messages. Compiling and categorizing my findings into the earliest coaching platform, I, for the first time in my left, began to feel “smart.” One day, when a critical piece of this work popped into my thoughts, seemingly out of nowwhere, I had a spark of awareness that this body of work was not coming from me, it was coming through me.

When he was about two years old, he appeared to me in a dream–what I now know to be a dream visitation. About twenty-years later, in the first-ever professional presentation I gave on this body of work, a woman approached me afterward, and this is what she said: “I don’t know what you know about me, but I’m a medium, and Gavin is here.” I had no idea what a medium was, but then she said something that forever changed my skepticism. She held up her hand, demonstrating with her thumb and forefinger, as if she was holding the object. “He’s showing me a ring; does that mean anything to you?”

Before his funeral, my mother asked me if she could purchase a ring to put on his finger to bury him in. There were only three people in the world who knew about this: Me, my mother, and my then-husband, who likely forgot about it, minutes after I asked him if he would be okay with that. She also said he was showing her two photos with writing on the back of them. I had very few wedding photos, but I had selected two of them and written a private note to Gavin, and included them with the objects I sent with him in the casket.

As I drove home on the night of that presentation, my son appeared in the car seat next to me. In the years to follow, I would see him frequently, but figured it to be a figment of my imagination. Even after I began seeing my friend’s mother who had died suddenly, I surmised it was simply my creative mind conjuring up images.

At the same time, I began entertaining the possiblity of a realm that existed far outside my academic mind.

Five years forward, my massage therapist asked me if she could practice a new modality she was training in. In that Integrated Energy Therapy® session, I had another experience that was so profound, I could not ignore it. From that point forward, the spiritual floodgates opened. In the years since, I have learned through my continuing research that the gap between science and spirituality is smaller than many of us think. I am honored to join the company of people like Dr. Joe Dispenza, Louise Hay, Gregg Braden, Dan Millman, and many others who are helping bridge the gap between these two areas of our life.

It is my greatest honor to offer my clients both academic and alternative resources that meet their unique and preferred needs, whether that be strictly science based, spiritual in nature, or a blend of the two.

Neighbor, I am honored and excited that my work and messages continue to spread! MysticMag recently reached out to discuss how I blend these two aspects in helping you heal conflict and grief. Read the interview and let me know how it resonates with you.

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