I Believe…

Annah ElizabethUncategorizedLeave a Comment

“How was your Christmas,” I asked the clerk.
“I’m glad it’s over,” she replied, “I’m not a fan of the holiday.”
She went on to share a few lamentations about shopping and parties, her words sort of trailing off as she ticked off a few other dislikes.
Within hours of gift exchanges and Santa’s arrival, numerous Facebook statuses declared it a joyous end to the dreadful day and spewed disgust and distress about the “mess” that must now be taken down and put away.
Though I try not to judge these Scrooge-like personas, I can’t help but wonder why they carry on the charade and feed the commercialism they say they loathe…
Can’t help wonder if they don’t believe in the magic and power of Christmas to help transform mankind…
When I begin to feel tension and hear that little voice saying, “I have to…” I STOP.
Every year I bake copious quantities of cookies and breads that I box up and distribute to friends and loved ones.
I LOVE seeing my kitchen counters covered with flour and sugar and bottles of edible decorations and baking tins and cooling racks…
It’s an all day affair, and I do mean all day. Sometimes the event spills over into two days.
The aroma of the season fills my home and my heart with joy.
But this year, between overtime at work and the great, but time-consuming things happening with The Five Facets, and other life situations, I wasn’t making it happen.
One day, when I found myself stressing and saying, “I have to bake,” I knew I was falling prey to the monster that swallows the season’s spirit.
“No,” I countered, “I don’t have to make those goodies.”
That said, I knew my angst was two-fold, because I really do look forward to that time in my kitchen.
And I love it even more when my children are a part of the process.
I believe in flexibility…
Big Guy and I decided to make one batch each of two simple recipes.
I chose one of my all-time favorites, Mexican Wedding Balls rolled in green and red sprinkles.
Big Guy made a batch of chocolate/caramel blossoms.
Can you believe I didn’t take a picture one?!
But don’t you think this photo from a previous baking session a few months back works just as nicely?

I packed a snack-sized bag into each of the packages being shipped and stacked the remainder of our treats onto the festive plates on my dessert rack.

Two days before Christmas, Beauty had surgery for ACL reconstruction/meniscus repair on one knee. My belief and faith in her surgeon gave me confidence as they wheeled her off to the OR.
Little by little I wrapped my gifts, all the while watching those recorded Hallmark Christmas movies or bopping to the beats blaring out from the Holiday Happenings radio channel.
Christmas morning 2013 – Santa has arrived!
Those are some of the traditions that fill me with happiness.
But the greatest gift of all is seeing the overwhelming evidence of selflessness and in places like overflowing mitten trees, Animal Shelter bounties, and Salvation Army kettles.
I believe in community…
The after-holiday glow of my tree and lighted garland brings me weeks of post holiday comfort as I gaze upon the splendor while relaxing on my sofa.
I believe in the magic of Christmas, in the way it brings out the best in people.
Yes, it also brings out the worst in those who participate because they feel they have to buy, but I believe in the beauty and power of one kind gesture…
There is hope and promise and possibility in every good deed…
Elements that bring me peace and make me smile…
As did the last in The-Soon-to-be-50 greeting card series from my mom…
And the gift of family photos, compliments of Beauty’s talented eye and her camera…
I believe in family…
and in marriage…
The birthday can Koozie, a luncheon, and rousing game of Foosball from Fave before he headed out on his next adventure drew much laughter and many more smiles.
And then there was the surprise 50th birthday party Warren and my good friend held for her husband and me…
I believe in friendships…
Cupcakes D’s daughter made for the occasion
Love, laughter, and light filled my happy…
Do you believe in the power of simple Moment(s)? What made you smile last week? Share those instances here and spread a little magic!
May instances of clarity and compassion and courage lead you into the New Year, Journeyers…
With love,

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