Under Pressure, Baring Ourselves for Healthy Boobs

Annah Elizabeth1 Comment

I remember with distinct clarity (as clear as one’s memory can actually be three-and-some decades later) going to my first pubescent physical. I recall riding in the car and asking my mom if I was going to have to take off my clothes in front of the doctor. And I remember being pissed at her when I was instructed to … Read More

Messages from the Universe

Annah ElizabethBooks, Happiness, Happy Happens ™, SpiritualityLeave a Comment

It’s been a crazy, yet exhilarating week, Journeyer. I’ve been trying to keep up on the anthology submissions for the Grief Diaries Anthology Series, working with my web designer on a few changes and incorporating my beautiful little logo into the site! And I’ve been working on pulling together all of the materials for my upcoming workshop at the North … Read More

Did Your Resolution Love You As Much As You Loved It?

Annah ElizabethHappiness, Loss, Grief, and Healing, The Five Facets Philosophy on Healing ™2 Comments

Maybe you spent months dreaming up a plan that was sure to take you to new heights or maybe you thought the exciting energy surrounding the trending new diet, exercise or self-help regimen sounded like the next best thing for you, too. Now, for whatever reason, your in-it-to-win-it spirit has turned into God-how-I-hate-this-I-just-might-puke-if…or a You-suck-you-quitter/loser/faker/despicable/[insert your whatever]-You.

Regardless of how you came to setting your resolution, it is obvious that this is more than a little slump; it is just not working for you. In fact, it could be all wrong for you. A few simple questions will help you isolate where the breakdown(s) might be and help you redirect.

When Happiness is Hard

Annah ElizabethHappy Happens ™1 Comment

“Hard times always lead to something great.” ~ Fashion Designer, Betsey Johnson Dear Journeyer, This last week was tough…really tough. After three years of struggle at my other job, I finally faced something that I can’t comprehend. I had two, back-to-back events that ultimately triggered panic attacks. For those of you who have ever endured these physiological symptoms, my heart … Read More


Annah ElizabethMental Health, Relationships4 Comments

Right now I’m feeling a great sense of relief and accomplishment! We’ve been having problems with our bandwidth usage for months now, with some device siphoning  off our daily allowance. It’s an intermittent problem and one I haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause. Earlier this week I followed the advice of a quick Google search and reset my router. … Read More

Healing and the Two Sides of Compassion

Annah Elizabeth4 Comments

Today, I am a proud part of something that is sweeping the blogosphere. It began with one writer discussing her need, her desire for emotional and physical support her in adulthood…lamenting how that proverbial Village disappears as we transition from childhood to adolescence and then into that Grown-Up state. One of my greatest supporters, a writer whom I’ve never met … Read More

Giving Thanks & Finding Gratitude with Buddha

Annah ElizabethUncategorized2 Comments

Well, Journeyer, another week, another dollar, as the saying goes… Even though I shop all year long, I do sometimes find myself beginning to feel the pressure of all that has to be done during the holidays. When I hear that chatter in my head, I know… I know it is time to slow down, pause, and reflect on the … Read More